Redcliffe College to examine end times and environment

In January next year, the annual John Ray Initiative/Redcliffe Environment workshop will examine the relationship between the end times and the environment.

Redcliffe College said in a statement, "While the imminent return of Christ has been used as an excuse to not care for the planet, growing awareness of the suffering caused by ecological mismanagement has shaken many people from their complacency, and provoked a fresh look at Scripture."

Speakers at the event will include Rev Dr Ernest Lucas (Bristol Baptist College), Rev Dave Bookless (A Rocha), Rev Margot Hodson (Oxford). During the workshop they will be arguing that eschatology has relevance for the way we behave today.

In addition Redcliffe College students, who come from all over the world, will give their own view on the return of Christ during a 'coffeehouse discussion'.

The Principal of Redcliffe, Rev Dr Simon Steer, said, "Many people have begun to see that the Kingdom Jesus will accomplish when He returns has implications for now, and that His present rule extends not just to reclaiming shattered lives, but to broken, abused ecologies and the interlinked fabric of physical and spiritual life.

"The day aims to give participants a greater understanding of our part in God's plan, and gain a vision of the return of Christ that enthuses us for his work in the world today."

The event will be held on 19 January 2008 at Redcliffe College Centre for Mission Training in Gloucester.

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