Reformed churches pray for Zimbabwe

Reports of the intimidation, torture and death of opponents of Zimbabwe's government have prompted a call for a day of prayer on Sunday 22 June among the worldwide Reformed family of churches.

Zimbabweans go to the polls on 27 June in a run-off election resulting from the 29 March presidential election. The run-off vote was called after a delay of several weeks before the announcement of the March election results.

"Credible reports reaching us indicate a blatant intimidation of voters and people being tortured. Some have died," said Setri Nyomi, general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC), in a letter to 214 churches around the world.

"Already Zimbabweans have been suffering under the burden of high inflation and lack of essential commodities. This current spate of violence and intimidation seems to be targeted at those who did not vote for the ruling party, especially in some specific rural areas," Nyomi added.

"This creates a very intimidating atmosphere for the run-off elections. We are committed to the rights and welfare of all Zimbabweans, not just to one party or the other.

"Our main concern now is to ensure that Zimbabweans feel free to express their democratic rights."

WARC's call for a day of prayer on 22 June echoes the call of the World Council of Churches and other voices for such a day.

"Please join Christians all over the world in praying for Zimbabwe this Sunday, and every day of next week," Nyomi concluded.