Reindeer herders enjoy Christmas story in own language

|PIC1|This year marks the first time reindeer herders will be reading the Christmas story in their own language.

Until now, reindeer herders in northern Norway had no alternative to an archaic translation dating back to the 1850s.

Now Bible Society is printing 2,000 copies of the New Testament in the modern-day Sami language, the culmination of 22 years of work.

The project has been welcomed by members of the Sami community.

Prof Ole Henrik Magga, former President of the Sami Parliament said, "The Sami people are very serious about Christianity.

"It is important to have the New Testament in Sami so that children and young people can read it. The Bible gives society its core values."

Local Christians have welcomed the scheme.

Reindeer herder, Isak Mattis Triumf said, "It is very good to have the New Testament in Sami. I can now read it with my children.

"I did have the old Bible, but I understand much more of the new translation.

"I believe that the young people will read the Bible now because it is not so hard to understand."

Children in the local schools are to each receive a copy of the New Testament.

Mattis’ daughter, 14-year-old daughter Elen Anna recently received her own copy.

She said, "It was nice to have my own New Testament.

"It is important that it’s mine. I can read it whenever I want and I don’t have to borrow it from someone else."

David Smith, International Programme Manager for Bible Society in Swindon said the new translation was helping people come to faith.

"This is a fantastic scheme for the church among the Sami people.

"When people read the Bible in their own language for the first time, they realise that the message is for them. Jesus is speaking to them.

"I believe that it really makes a difference in helping people come to faith."