Rejection: How it works and how to overcome it


Rejection is one of the most powerful ways that the enemy is able to destroy our lives. Because of this, many are unable to see and understand God's love which is the most powerful thing in this whole universe. The enemy seeks to blind us so that we won't understand God's healing love and be totally free to love God and serve Him with all that we have.

How rejection works

Rejection is that state of mind wherein we feel that we are unwanted or even at least unwelcome. We usually feel this in different situations, like when a family member leaves us behind, or when a friend suddenly "un-friends" us in real life, or when our efforts to make peace are denied. Although the immediate effects seem small, continued rejection slowly builds up to make you feel a lot less loved, ultimately unlovable, and even unacceptable, even by God.

You see, when you get rejected time and again, you slowly grow a thought or mindset that says "nobody likes me." Some of you may deny that, but when you're alone in your bed, you're secretly hoping that someone would take notice of you and make you a real friend.


When rejection builds a stronghold in your life, you will feel the fear of losing a friend when you fail. You will try to exhaust yourself just to perform so that you could gain acceptance and avoid being rejected and left behind once more. You give up all that you have in trying to put up a good image, projecting that you're always at your best and most generous – simply because you fear that when you aren't in tip-top shape, people will dislike you and leave you.

A line from "Love Alone," one of Caedmon Call's songs, perfectly explains this idea. It goes, "no one would love me if they knew all the things I hide."

How to overcome rejection

The truth is, my friend, all of those thoughts, mindsets and strongholds are mere lies that the enemy has put in your head. The only solution to the pain of rejection? The accepting love of God.

God sees all that you are. He formed you in your mother's womb. He has written all your days in His book. He knows the thoughts of your heart before you utter a word and do anything. He perfectly knows you, even more than you know yourself (see Psalm 139:13-16).

Despite that, He sent His one and only Son as the only provision for us to become accepted by Him. While we were still sinners – unacceptable, despicable, loathsome, filthy, unlovable and worthy of death – Christ died for us. And God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself (see Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:19).

Freedom to live and love

Friend, God loves you more than you know. The least that you can do is to come to Him and let Him do what He wants to do in you. In Him you will have life and have it abundantly. In Him you can reach your destiny: to be like His beloved Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ (see Romans 8:28-29). Cast to Him your pains and your fears, and experience His love (see Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter 5:7).