Relationship summit encourages single believers to maintain purity

A 23-year-old minister and social entrepreneur is calling on other young Christians to maintain their sexual purity.

Michael Kosmas wants young Christians to enjoy their lives but also maintain their sexual purity whether they are single or in a relationship. That is the theme of a summit he is hosting in south easth London today.

Kosmos, who was ordained in 2006, has vowed to remain celibate in honour of God until he marries and hopes other young Christians will do the same.

He said the church had to support young Christians in maintaining their purity.

“We live in a sex saturated society and it is so easy for believers to be swept along the tide that says that we need to be in a sexual relationship in order to be fulfilled and to be seen to be with it," he said.

"Single Christians, no matter what their relationship status, need support in this area of their lives."

The summit will feature live performances from leading gospel artists including Rachel Kerr, a panel discussion featuring single Christians Adelaide McKenzie and Seth Pinnock, husband and wife rap duo Femi and Roucheon Iloyi and Pastors Tony and Sheree Clarke.

Kosmos said sex and relationships was a major concern among the young Christians he works with.

“Young Christians talk with me all the time about this subject, talk about the struggles that they face and the kind of support that they need, which is almost always the chance to share their experiences to someone who will understand them, correct them if need be, but be non-judgemental in the process.”

He continued, “Concerns about this subject are not confined to young people – it impacts all Christians, that’s why I hope this event will attract people of all ages so that we can come together, share and encourage each other to live out our faith in a way that honour God in all areas of our lives."