Remember hope, reconciliation and peace in a suffering world

|PIC1|In today's world we must continue to speak of hope that things can be better - yet it needs humans to have the political will, the resources and movement for justice. Easter cannot only be about parties, eggs, chocolates, cards - or even Church services - if we are not able to provide hope, reconciliation and peace in a suffering world. Christians must put their faith into action. Easter is about new beginnings, hope and of the power of life over death. So I see Easter as a chance for me personally and the Churches to talk about life, hope and the affirmation of a new reality, the New Earth and of the Kingdom where all people can feel God will intervene. This is why we in Christian Aid believe in life before death.'

When asked how he thinks the real meaning of Easter relates to the rest of the world, which is so torn apart by conflict, he says:

'If Easter is about hope, new life and peace - then surely Christians must relate to the real problems of the world. This includes poverty, inequality, misuse of power, injustice and climate change - all of which can and do contribute to some of the conflicts we see. While we must pray for peace - we are also called to be peacemakers in a ministry of reconciliation and healing. It is not easy but being a Christian cannot be very comfortable. Easter has no meaning without Good Friday and death, the cross and the horrors of betrayal, politics and rivalries - even our Lord Jesus suffered the pain, humiliation and reality of the cross and death. Christians need to be prepared to get involved, be prophetic, to speak out in a world of suffering, conflicts and inequality.'

He adds, 'Could each of us commit this Easter to be agents of hope, peace and reconciliation - to work with others to build a better, more just world for all people. This commitment must lead to action.'