Remembrance Day Remarks from Moderator of Church of Scotland

|PIC1|"Those who served this country in the First World War did so believing they were fighting in the war to end all wars. When the guns eventually fell silent, at the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, in the eleventh month, surely no one could have imagined the carnage that would follow through the remainder of the twentieth century, and into the beginning of a new century, and new millennium.

"This Remembrance Day, there is once again an acute awareness of the cost of war because of the present international uncertainty, and in particular, because of the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"As we seek to honour the memory of all those who have died since that first quiet in 1918, we are offered precious gifts of silence, poppies, and the time for reflection. As we remember them, and as we think of those who face danger or death on our behalf today, we may recall the gifts that last forever - faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13, 13)