Republican Presidential Polls 2016 update: Donald Trump continues lead

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R) greets businessman Donald Trump onstage as they address a Tea Party rally against the Iran nuclear deal at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Sept. 9, 2015.Reuters

American Presidential candidate Donald Trump continues to dominate polls on the Republican side of the race as the election period for the U.S. approaches and the campaign period comes to an end.

In CNN's Poll of Polls, business magnate and investor Trump aced his opponents by garnering 26 percent of the people's favor as the Republican favorite. Following in second place of the polls is Florida senator Marco Rubio with 12 percent, and tied at third place is Texas senator Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. The former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush wins over 8 percent of the people's votes in the summary poll, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie gets 7 percent.

The CNN Polls of Polls is a collection of the five latest national, live-interviewer telephone polls. One state that Cruz favors over Trump is Iowa, where Cruz has the advantage in three out of six polls. Two polls indicate a slightly error tie, and one finds Trump with the advantage.

In a separate weekly election done by NBC news via an online survey form, which included the votes of 3,700 adults aged 18-years-old and above, Trump wins the Republican side by a wide margin, geting 35 percent of Republican support. Cruz follows with 18 percent, followed by Marco Rubio at 13 percent. The survey was done online by NBC News during the period between Dec. 28, 2015 and Jan. 3, 2016.

Trump is an American business magnate, investor, author and television personality. The businessman has investments made in sports, owning the New Jersey Generals and various golf courses; and entertainment, owning part of the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA beauty pageants.

His closest competitor, Cruz, is an American politician who is the junior U.S. Senator from Texas, and is the first Hispanic-American to serve as a U.S. Senator to represent Texas.