'Resident Evil 2' remake planned by Capcom?

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Capcom's next project concerning "Resident Evil 2" has now been reclassified.

According to IGN, an earlier investor report from Capcom had labeled their endeavor concerning "Resident Evil 2" as a remaster of the game, but that no longer appears to be the case.

Recently, Capcom UK's Senior Marketing Director Stuart Turner has taken to Twitter to clarify what he dubs as a "mistranslation" contained in the previous investor report. 

According to Turner, instead of merely being a remastered game, the next "Resident Evil 2" title that will be coming from Capcom will actually be a full remake.

Prior to Turner's announcement, some fans had expressed confusion over the August announcement from Capcom that had suggested that the game would indeed be remade. Some fans were under the impression that Capcom was planning to simply tweak the graphics and some of the mechanics of "Resident Evil 2" in order to update it further, which is not that far off from what the company had done earlier with the original "Resident Evil" game, according to PC Gamer.

With Capcom now confirming that "Resident Evil 2" will indeed be fully remake, fans are now wondering about what exactly they can expect.

Capcom has yet to detail their plans regarding the "Resident Evil 2" remake, but some fans already have ideas about what the company could be planning.

According to Wired UK, Capcom likely has a wide array of changes in mind for the "Resident Evil 2" remake. Some of the game's essential elements such as the characters and the environments themselves are a good bet to be overhauled, and the gameplay itself will also likely be tweaked even just a bit.

Capcom could also be tempted to tweak some of the game's storyline elements as well, although they could simply decide to add more to the remake of "Resident Evil 2" as opposed to removing anything of significance.