'Resident Evil 7' publisher hopeful to sell 10 million units, still has a long way to go

"Resident Evil 7" has been well-received by critics and fans alike."Resident Evil" official Facebook page

Sales matters a lot when it comes to video games and sadly, that is where "Resident Evil 7" has disappointed Capcom. Taking into account the warm reception given to the latest installment of the popular video game franchise, "Resident Evil," it is safe to say that the game has successfully won the hearts of critics and fans alike. However, the same cannot be said when it comes to sales as "Resident Evil 7" has only sold 3.5 million copies following the closure of Capcom's fiscal year which ran until March 31.

These numbers fall 500,000 short on sales as Capcom predicted that they could sell four million copies by the end of March, WWG reports. However, Capcom is still positive about the latest installment and even has high hopes that "Resident Evil 7" can reach 10 million sales.

"Resident Evil 7's" publisher noted how the life cycle for games has become longer over the years because of digital sales. He also cited the short span between the launch of "Resident Evil 7" and the end of the fiscal year, saying how 3.5 million sales is not bad, even referring to it as a "solid start." According to Capcom, the publisher is optimistic that the favorable reviews would help sell the latest installment.

While the publisher may be spewing out emerald dreams, it should still be noted how "Resident Evil 7" brought back life to the "Resident Evil" franchise after it suffered from several drawbacks in the previous installments. Ten million units may be a long shot, but "Resident Evil" is still a well-loved video game series, so who knows what might happen.

The "Resident Evil" film franchise fared better, however, in terms of sales as it closed with more than one billion in revenue.