'Revenge' season 4 spoilers: Victoria gets attacked and blames Emily in episode 20 'Burn'

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Season 4 of "Revenge" is quickly inching closer to the end, but before it does, viewers should prepare for a dose of both bitter and sweet vengeance to be served in the remaining installments. Episode 20 titled "Burn" will be no different as Victoria's reasons for taking revenge on Emily just keep adding up. 

In the installment, an unidentified person attacks Daniel's vendetta-driven mother. Without taking a moment, Victoria concludes that her attacker is Emily and not anyone else. With this, she vows to make her mortal enemy pay a much bigger price. 

Unfortunately, Victoria may be completely wrong about her judgment, but Emily's denial of the attack would not make her change her mind.

In the previous episode, viewers will remember an anonymous person marking Victoria as the next target with the red sharpie. That person looks like they may either be hitting two birds with one stone or the bull's eye may be Emily after all. Whoever that individual is, part of their plan is to burn down one of the homes in Hampton down to a grave. 

What's sure is that Emily is in danger and she may not have Jack by her side. In a photo from the episode, Jack is at an airstrip as his son Carl and Stevie Grayson board the plane. The image does not show Jack getting onboard but it looks like he does after that promo was captured. 

Despite his possible departure, it does not mean that he will forget about the girl he loved since they were little. In the same photo, Jack looks like he is anxiously waiting for a message from a certain someone, possibly one that tells him to abandon his plans. But Jack needs a break, too.

It remains to be seen if episode 20 will be the installment he leaves Hampton. There is only one way to find out and that is to watch "Revenge" season 4 episode 20 "Burn" on April 19.