'Revenge' season 4 spoilers: Will Aiden come back? Emily's new romance, Charlotte to return

In the past episodes, "Revenge" fans haven't been happy with the slow pace of the TV show. But hopefully, that last episode will set things in motion. The show had to give up Daniel Grayson and due to this death, there are new stories opening up. 

Showrunner Sunil Nayar opened up to TV Line about Josh Bowman's exit on the show, saying, "He and I were on the same page, wanting to take a big swing at the end of our winter finale, and wanting to see if we could do it in a redemptive way; that moment between [Emily and Daniel] was so beautiful at the end. It was also a way for us to keep shifting what the show is about so we never get complacent and the audience never knows what's coming next." 

Now, what? Daniel's death plays an important role in opening up new stories for the ladies in his life — Emily, Charlotte and Margaux.

First up is Emily. Daniel is her second lover who died on the show. The first one was Aiden, who is rumored to have the possibility of coming back. iDigitalTimes reported that anything can happen in the series — if David Clarke can come back, so can Aiden. Does this mean that Emily and Jack won't ever be together anymore?

The next is Daniel's sister Charlotte Grayson, who is currently in rehab. She might come back to the Hamptons due to the death of her brother.

This isn't sure yet but Nayar did say, "We're going to track the idea that Charlotte's up in rehab, and we certainly talk about how she might play into the show as we approach the end of the season. We don't have any definitive plans yet, but she's always on our minds."

As for Margaux, it was revealed that she is pregnant with Daniel's child and right after the revelation, Daniel sacrificed his life for his ex.  She won't be very happy about Emily and her rage and sorrow may also risk her pregnancy. Daniel's death will change her.

"You're going to see a very different Margaux going forward," Nayar said.

Meanwhile, the new season character Ben will play a bigger role this season. His ex-wife will be introduced in the show and according to Nayar, his ex-wife will be causing trouble.

"Revenge" will be back on Jan. 4, 2015 on ABC.