Reverend Pat Robertson Cancels Speech at Upcoming NRB Convention

|TOP|The Rev. Pat Robertson has cancelled a speech scheduled for next month’s National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) convention in Dallas, USA due to the doubts NRB officials expressed regarding the effect of his appearance.

Meanwhile, an increasing number of evangelical leaders, including Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, author Os Guinness and Geoff Tunnicliffe of the World Evangelical Alliance, are publicly criticising the Virginia Beach evangelist, for saying that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine punishment for the country's withdrawal from Gaza last summer. He later apologised for his remarks.

Originally scheduled to speak on Feb. 21 for the closing banquet, Mr. Robertson withdrew after meeting with NRB leaders last week, who expressed their concerns regarding his appearance at the convention, according to AP radio.

|AD|An NRB statement said the speaker switch was a result of "scheduling complexities." Henry Blackaby, president of Blackaby Ministries International in Atlanta and author of the bestseller "Experiencing God," will fill Mr. Robertson's spot.

Known as the largest nationally and internationally recognised event dedicated to assist, the NRB convention is set to train and network professionals in Christian communications.

Broadcasters, media pastors, program producers attend the convention to meet and speak with top management in Christian communications, and to delve into various opportunities including Boot Camps, educational sessions, inspiring keynote addresses and ministry from internationally known speakers and artists.

Other events during the convention include the Women in Christian media conference, NRB TV Showcase, etc.

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