Ric Flair health condition news update: Brooke Hogan says wrestling legend is doing very well; parts ways with management

The Nature Boy Ric Flair.YouTube/WWE

The recent health scare of WWE superstar Ric Flair has had fans and colleagues worried. Fortunately, Brooke Hogan, daughter of fellow WWE legend Hulk Hogan shared that Flair is doing very well.

Hogan revealed to TMZ that the Nature Boy is doing very well, in fact so well that he could make a comeback in the WWE. She got to talk to Flair while on a trip to see her father and said that he is so pumped up that it is not surprising to see him back in the ring after he completes his recovery.

Hogan described Flair during their conversation as "full of piss and vinegar," and went on to say that men like Flair are very indestructible and that they keep coming back even after experiencing a medical issue. Stone Cold Steve Austin has also said the same thing, so fans might be glad to know that Flair is doing well in the midst of his recovery.

Previously, Flair was placed in a medically-induced coma and had to undergo several surgeries to deal with a number of organ problems. A few weeks ago, Flair's fiancé Wendy Barlow said that his condition is improving, and that he is starting physical therapy following the surgeries.

Apart from physical therapy, Flair has done a few things since he started his process to recovery. Along with a new lease on life, he has also decided to start over. The wrestler shared on Twitter last week that he has parted ways with his manager, Melinda Morris Zanoni. Flair did not state the reasons as to why he decided to fire them, but he went on to say that he is looking forward to a brand new start in his career.

The day after the announcement, Flair shared on Twitter his new agency, Get Engaged Media. Aside from going under new management, he has also taken the time to enjoy the book he co-wrote with his daughter Charlotte titled "Second Nature: The Legacy of Ric Flair and the Rise of Charlotte." The book will hit shelves next week on the 19th.