'Rick and Morty' news: Supporting character gets a tearjerker feature

Screengrab from the emotional "The Poop In My Pants" Thanksgiving special of "Rick and Morty"YouTube/Adult Swim

In a Thanksgiving special for "Rick and Morty," the creators of the show have given the lovable Mr. Poopybutthole a background story, as well as revealing the things he is thankful for.

In the Thanksgiving special short made for the adult cartoon series, titled "The Poop In My Pants," Mr. Poopybutthole reminisces his entire life through an album he kept from puberty to adulthood. The album starts with his first day in high school, named Harry Herpson High School, where he found the love of his life sitting close to him. Apparently, he asked her out to do study together, and this was where Mr. Poopybutthole's colorful and fulfilling life began.

The two went on the have a good relationship up throughout their lives. It was also implied that the two extracted their toxic selves, similar to what Rick and Morty did in season 3's sixth episode, "Rest and Ricklaxation," where the toxic-self extractor made them more happy and stable. Eventually, Mr. Poopybutthole and his parter got married and had children and pets.

The video ends with Mr. Poopybutthole having a satisfied grin on his face, having lived a good life with lots of things to be thankful for.

Unfortunately, it seems Mr. Poopybutthole has not yet fully recovered from what Beth did to her during season 2's fourth episode, titled "Total Rickall" where Beth mistakenly shot Mr. Poopybutthole. This happened because Beth thought that he was just a parasite feeding off the family which they encountered earlier in the episode. The said parasites plant good memories in its hosts to make them think they have known them long, and the only way to defeat them is if the host realizes that they do not have any bad memories of them.

This was unfortunate for the dear Mr. Poopybutthole as he did not have any bad memories associated with the family despite him not being a parasite. The injury has apparently cost him his mobility and making him resent Beth and her family.

Still, "The Poop In My Pants" ended on a good note, where Mr. Poopybutthole is shown forgoing the need for his cane to walk, meaning he might have forgiven Beth and moved on.