'Rick and Morty' season 3 episode 10 release date, plot news: Adventure-duo helps president kill underground monster

Rick and Morty traveling by portal.Facebook/RickandMorty

In the season finale of "Rick and Morty," the odd couple teleport their way to the White House to help the U.S. president get rid of a monster that has invaded the underground tunnels.

In a new teaser trailer for episode 9 titled "The Rickchurian Mortydate," Rick and Morty (both voiced by Justin Roiland) travel by portal to meet with the president. Apparently, a mysterious monster has been tormenting the people down at the tunnels which the president calls the Kennedy Sex Tunnels. "I want it hunted down and taken out," the commander-in-chief told Rick and Morty.

Morty gets curious as to why the tunnels were given a strange name. However, the president tells them that they will be made to forget the tunnels ever existed "along with, in order of national embarrassment, the Truman Cocaine Lounge, the McKinley Hooker Dump, and the Lincoln Slave Coliseum."

It remains to be seen if Rick and Morty will be able to flush out the monster from the secret underground tunnels. Fans of the show can expect some crude gore and violence, which is a usual staple in the episodic animated comedy.

In the last episode, Rick brought his daughter Beth (Sarah Chalke) back to a place she remembered from her childhood. Many years ago, she happened to show the paradise-like place to her young friend Tommy, (Thomas Middleditch) who she trapped there because she was jealous of him.

Tommy was thus reported missing in the real world and was not seen since for decades. Beth, however, found him alive many years later. He was able to survive in that paradise dimension by impregnating the creatures there and eating their offspring.

"Rick and Morty" season 3 episode 10 will arrive on Sunday, Oct. 1 at 11:30 p.m. EDT on Adult Swim. This will consequently also be the finale of the season.