'Riverdale' season 2 spoilers: Is the Black Hood killer still alive?

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The CW teen drama "Riverdale" aired its midseason finale before the holidays. Although many were disappointed with its ending where the identity of the Black Hood killer was revealed, many are still waiting for the show's return.

Reports indicate that there is a possibility that the Black Hood is still alive. This indicates that the person shown in the midseason finale is not the real killer. The episode "Silent Night, Deadly Night" revealed that the high school janitor, Joe Svenson (Cameron McDonald), is the person behind the masked killer. The tragic past of Svenson is considered as one basis why he is responsible for the killings.

When Svenson was still a kid, his entire family was massacred by the Riverdale Reaper. To revenge for their death, they killed the reaper, but they later on discovered that they killed the wrong man. Due to his guilt, Svenson decided that they can pay for their crimes by killing sinners. However, the teens still could not connect the dots to prove that the janitor is indeed the killer. Because of this, fans believe that the real Black Hood is still alive.

In a Twitter post, showrunner Roberto Aguirre Sacasa teases that Black Hood is still out there. He shared an image of Betty (Lili Reinhart) looking up. He captioned it saying, "If the Black Hood is dead, then who the hell is upstairs? HINT: It ain't Chic. 15 days to a new ep of #Riverdale." Does this mean that Black Hood will return to Riverdale?

Reports say that Betty's brother Chic (Hart Denton) will arrive in town, but it is possible that Betty is not looking at Chic. It is also said that it could be Jughead Jones (Cole Sprouse) who wants to make amends with her, or it could actually be the Black Hood killer.

"Riverdale" season 2 airs on Wednesday, Jan. 17, at 8 p.m. EDT on The CW. It will also return on Jan. 18 on Netflix.