'Rock Band 4' costs $20 more to play on Xbox One

Twitter courtesy of Rock Band

Xbox One owners looking forward to "Rock Band 4" should know that they will be required to pay $20 more than their PlayStation 4 (PS4) counterparts even if they intend to use last-gen instruments.

This is the news coming from game developer Harmonix after the prices of the game were announced for their respective platforms.

People who will be pre-ordering the stand-alone version of "Rock Band 4" for PS4 will have to pay $59.99, while Xbox One owners will have to spend $79.99, according to Polygon.

The reason for the cost discrepancy is that the stand-alone version of "Rock Band 4" for Xbox One has been bundled together with what is known as the legacy game controller adapter. What this item does is provide support for those last-gen "Rock Band" instruments that players were able to use for the Xbox 360.

The adapter is necessary because Microsoft apparently decided to switch up the wireless connection between the Xbox One and its controllers. Because of this decision, it basically meant that the Xbox One is now incapable of supporting controllers that were used for the Xbox 360, hence the need for an adapter.

It's worth noting that only the last-gen guitars and drums will require the usage of the legacy game controller adapter to work with the Xbox One, as the microphone that could be used for the Xbox 360 can also be used for "Rock Band 4."

Players who also want a new set of controllers can also get "Rock Band 4" bundles. They can either choose the bundle with the game and one guitar controller for $129.99 or the game together with a guitar, drum set, and a microphone for the price of $249.99.

In related news, "Rock Band 4" will feature more than 60 different songs, according to PC Mag.

Notable artists with tracks featured in the game include the Foo Fighters, Aerosmith, Bruno Mars, and even Elvis Presley.

"Rock Band 4" will be released Oct. 6.