'Rogue One' plot spoilers, news: New trailer sparks new theory about the Death Star

Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) wearing what could be a Kyber crystal necklace from "Rogue One" international trailerLucasFilm/Disney

A new international trailer for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" has been released. While it showcases many scenes in the original domestic trailer, it does showcase a few new clips that have sparked a new theory regarding Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) and how the Death Star works.

In the trailer, a scene is shown where a young Jyn is confronted by her parents. Her mother then gives her a necklace with a crystal pendant. Her mother then states that Jyn should "trust the Force." In the next clip, she is shown to still have the crystal with her.

Given that Jyn's father, Galen (Mads Mikkelsen), has been taken by the Empire to design the Death Star, it is now widely speculated that he will be using these kinds of crystals to power the station. According to SlashFilm, it is possible that the crystal given to Jyn is a Kyber crystal, the same type of crystal that a Jedi uses to build a lightsaber.

The report further states that the reason the Empire has occupied the planet Jedha is because this is where the Kyber crystals can be mined. Galen has been recruited because he is the only one in the galaxy who knows how to utilize their energy to power the Death Star, given that all the Jedi are gone.

Fans continue to speculate that this would make sense since the Death Star operates differently from Starkiller Base, the planet-destroying base seen in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." The films never explained how the Death Star works, and using Kyber crystals has been a widely accepted theory since they first appeared in the books that are part of the "Star Wars Legends" brand.

Lucasfilm and Disney have yet to confirm that the crystal given to Jyn is indeed a Kyber crystal and if it is going to be used for the Death Star.

"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" will premiere on Dec. 16.