Romania & Bulgaria Celebrate at EU Entry

Scenes of celebration have been seen across Romania and Bulgaria as the countries greeted New Year, which marked their accession to the European Union, and seventeen years since the fall of communism.

Across the two capitals, Bucharest and Sofia, more than ten thousand people were reported to have attended concerts to rejoice at the newly found status their countries have been given.

The president of Romania, Traian Basescu, addressed the crowds, saying that EU entry was an "enormous chance for future generations".

He said, "It was hard, but we arrived at the end of the road. It is the road of our future. It is the road of our joy. We arrived in Europe. Welcome to Europe," Basescu said.

The EU now increases to 27 members, and surpasses more than half a billion people.

Prior to the speech, the EU flag was raised outside the government HQ in Bucharest as the European anthem, Beethoven's Ode to Joy, was played.