Ronald Reagan's Legacy will Live On

Former American President Ronald Reagan died on Saturday, June 5th, at the age of 93 but his legacy of upholding conservative values “rooted in the timeless truths of Scripture”, as Focus on the Family’s James D. Dobson described it, survives in the admiration held by pro-family groups for a man whose faith powered his extraordinary leadership.

"I loved President Reagan as a man and admired him as a leader,” said Dobson in a statement. "May we never forget the contributions this great man made to this nation."

President of Traditional Values Gary Bauer, a former presidential candidate, who is “forever by honoured by the opportunity to serve” Reagan during the 8 years of his Administration, recounted a few of Reagan’s major contributions.

"History will record that Ronald Reagan's clear vision of what was at stake in the cold war lead to the unraveling of the Soviet Union and the triumph of liberty. He transformed the Republican Party, making it a voice for the values of hearth and home,” said Bauer on Saturday.

Bauer continued, “His insistence that the American people were over taxed led to the biggest decline in marginal tax rates in the history of the country and the revival of economic growth, the effects of which echo even today.”

Reagan died at his home in Bel Air, California, from pneumonia as a result of Alzheimer's disease. His casket will be in at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Ca., Monday for public viewing.

His transitioning societal role from actor to California State Governor to the 40th U.S. President only reflected Reagan's vision of a progressive and better future.

President Bush said in an issued proclamation, “Ronald Reagan renewed America's confidence and restored our nation. His optimism, strength and humility epitomised the American spirit.”

"He always told us that for America, the best was yet to come,” Bush said.

Concerned Women for America (CWA) saluted Reagan for fending off Communism and paving the future of freedom.

“The freedom that so many millions now enjoy is an enduring tribute to a man God greatly used at a unique time in American history,” said CWA Chairman Beverly Hayes.

In his reflection of President Reagan’s death, President of Family Research Council Tony Perkins credited Reagan for doing more than halting the Communist regime with his “uncompromising leadership”.

“He not only made the world a safer place,” said Perkins, “his commitment to his faith in Jesus Christ and devotion to truth made America a better place.”

Pro-lifers also shared positive reflections of Reagan.

Dr. Wanda Franz, president of the National Right to Life Committee said Reagan was “an ever-faithful friend to the pro-life movement."

Nikolas Nikas, general counsel for Americans United for Life, told the death of the former president should serve as a reminder to others about the value of life.

“As the nation mourns the death of a great American,” said Nikas, “it is fitting that those who work for a Culture of Life rededicate and redouble their efforts to restore full legal protection for all human life, from its earliest stages to its last moments.”

Christian Coalition is asking members to pray for the family and also sign a letter thanking Reagan’s wife Nancy who had care for Reagan ever since he publicised his Alzheimer’s disease in 1994. “Thank you, for Setting an example of true Christianity through the tender support you showed to President Reagan in these difficult recent years,” reads the letter.

On Wednesday, Reagan’s body will lie at the Capitol Rotunda in Washington proceeded by a state funeral service at Washington National Cathedral on Friday. The body will be flown back to the Reagan Library for a private funeral and burial on Friday evening, concluding Reagan’s trip around the country he referred to as “a shining city upon hill” during his Farewell Address at the end of his two terms of presidency.

“I've spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don't know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace, a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity, and if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That's how I saw it and see it still it,” said Reagan.

To his friends, Reagan said, “We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all.”

Katherine T. Phan
Ecumenical Press