Rosemary Conley to share slimming tips and faith

|PIC1|Fitness expert, TV personality and committed Christian, Rosemary Conley, will share her journey of faith and some of her best slimming secrets with Youth for Christ members next month.

YFC is hosting an evening with the speaker in Derby on 1 December in which the bestselling author will speak about her nearly 40 years in the public eye as a health and fitness guru and how her faith has made all the difference through the highs and lows of her life.

The evening will be hosted by YFC National Director in support of the ministry’s work with marginalised young people and young offenders.

Proceeds raised by the evening will go towards YFC’s Reflex ministry, which supports young offenders and other vulnerable youths.

The evening will also include inspirational stories of YFC’s work with youth around the country, including transformations in the lives of inmates in young offender prisons and how music is being used to encourage and motivate at-risk young people.

Tickets are on sale from YFC for just £2 each. Call Emma Salcombe on 0121 502 9620 to book.