RSCM surveys Sunday worship music across Wales

The Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) in Wales has just launched an online survey of the church music scene throughout the country.

The survey, which can be found at, aims to take a snapshot of what is happening in Sunday worship, and to give a picture of musical resources. The results will help to guide the RSCM’s support for its affiliated churches and members in Wales.

The survey which is being distributed to all RSCM affiliated churches and members, asks a variety of questions, from the range of music sung at services and the number of children and adults in the choir, to the state of the organ and details of any music group.

It is the second time that an RSCM survey has been held in Wales, the last being conducted in 2003.

“At the time I gather we had a very good return; in some churches music was flourishing, while in others it was clearly a challenge,” says Lindsay Gray, the Director of the RSCM and former headmaster of Llandaff Cathedral School.

Seven years on, the variety of ways in which the RSCM supports church music-making has increased through its range of music publications, magazines, training programmes such as Voice for Life, courses, training choirs and above all, local events. In Wales there are 130 churches affiliated to the RSCM and 80 individual members.

“Although this is primarily for our affiliates and members, I hope as many churches as possible will take part,” said Gray. “The responses will help the six area committees in Wales and the central administration to shape the support and training we offer to our affiliated churches and their musicians, be they from town or country.”

For more information on how to take part go to where responses can either be made online, or by downloading hard copy. The closing date is 1 September 2010.