Google developing Advanced Battery Technology

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For most device and gadget users, one of the banes that one has to deal with is the battery that support them. There would be good ones and there will be poor performing ones. Though a lot hinge on the device and the processes involved in making them click, it remains that battery life varies and at times leaves a lot of room for improvement.

Many companies are doing their share of trying to come up with ways to improve battery life and now you can add Google to the mix.

This comes after reports that Google is currently joining the mix of groups trying to come with a battery technology that will make sure that devices and even electric cars will have the properly stored juice to make sure that they perform up to par.

Google's team is holed up in the Google X Research Lab led through the expertise of Dr. Ramesh Bhardwaj. Bhardwaj leads the efforts in developing advanced battery technology, someone who used to work with Apple as a battery expert.

Google has its share of gadgets that can benefit from improved batteries and of course their highly touted self-driving cars. Their study may even go as far as to looking at why the first wearable device called the Google Glass suffered immensely from unreliable batteries. For Google getting into the bandwagon, such makes a lot of sense.

At the moment, Dr. Bhardwag and his team are said to be working on li-ion and solid state technology for batteries meant for consumer devices. With a wide array of products such as their mobile phones, cars, wearable devices and so forth, the company stands to benefit from the initiative.

One has to wonder if the Android OS would be included in the mix considering that it has had its share of issues as far as OS performance is concerned, eventually tied up with the phones the operating system runs on.