Russian fan stabbed in Manchester

A Russian fan was taken to hospital after being stabbed outside the City of Manchester Stadium following the UEFA Cup final between Zenit St Petersburg and Rangers on Wednesday, local police said.

"Six Rangers supporters were arrested at the stadium after a Russian fan was stabbed in the back," Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said in a statement, adding that the supporter's injuries were not thought to be life threatening.

Trouble also flared in the city centre at about 7:30 p.m. when a big screen relaying the match, which Zenit won 2-0, broke down at the Piccadilly Gardens fan zone.

Riot police faced hostile Rangers fans, many of whom who had been drinking for a number of hours and who began throwing bottles and cans at the police, forcing officers to back off before charging them to restore order.

The police said the situation was brought under control although some officers were injured. A total of 30 fans were arrested for various offences during the evening.

A GMP police spokesman added: "I'm sure the majority of Rangers fans will be as disappointed as we are that this event was marred by this unnecessary and unacceptable behaviour by a small number of fans."

Police estimated that more than 100,000 Rangers fans descended on the city without tickets but most were well behaved.

The police statement added: "GMP would like to stress the vast majority of supporters have behaved impeccably and came to Manchester clearly intent on enjoying the carnival atmosphere."