Russian Girl Born With No Arms Learns to Feed Herself Using Her Feet

Vasilina Knutzen, a toddler from Russia, uses her foot to feed herself.(Facebook/Elmira Knutzen)

People are capable of doing amazing things if they just set their hearts and minds to it. Vasilina Knutzen, a Russian toddler who was born with no arms, is proving just that as she manages to feed herself using just her feet.

Vasilina does not let her physical disability keep her from eating her meal, making her mother Elmira proud of her daughter's resourcefulness, according to the Daily Mail. Elmira took a video of Vasilina eating her meal by herself and then shared it on her Facebook page on Wednesday.

In the video, Vasilina shows her flexibility by using her toes to grip her fork and guide the food in it to her mouth. Elmira, who was taking the video, can be heard giggling on the background while watching her daughter's action.

Vasilina failed to place the food in her mouth during her first attempt. Unfazed, Vasilina tried again using her other foot to reposition the fork and guide it to her mouth. She finally succeeded.

Since it was uploaded, the video has received over 61 million views, a million shares, and tens of thousands of comments. People were so impressed by the toddler that they showered her with encouraging words: "God bless you baby," a woman wrote, while another added: "Lord, love this little angel. You can do it baby."

Other people called Vasilina "smart" and "inspiring," because even though she doesn't have arms, she can still do something to help herself. "This just brought tears to my eyes," commented a woman after watching the video. "You will be fine, sweetheart."

While Vasilina's fans were mostly female, she did impress quite a number of men as well. "Recognise your blessings," one of Vasilina's male fans wrote. "This baby is awesome, and so are the parents," the fan added.

Another man wrote: "She is strong and determined. She will go far in life. The Lord will be there for every step she takes through life."