Sadie Robertson on her unshakable faith: 'My Father is my refuge'

Sadie Robertson of "Duck Dynasty"Sadie Robertson official Facebook page

Sadie Robertson shares how her faith helped her get through deadly mission trip in Somalia.

In October 2017, the "Dancing with the Stars" contestant went on a trip to Mogadishu, Somalia to help supply food to some 50,000 people. They could not have come at a worst time, as they arrived just hours after a bomb exploded in the city, killing at least 300 people.

In a recent Instagram post, Robertson recalled the feeling of "fear" and "anxiety," as well as the panic attacks she experienced. But she got through with her faith in God. She remembered that one night out of complete terror, grabbed her mom and asked her to read Psalms 91. "My mom began to declare the words of WHO OUR GOD IS and WHAT OUR GOD CAN DO. That He is OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH," she said in the post.Sa Robertson on her unshakeable faith: 'My Father is my refuge'

“Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord;” ‭‭EPHESIANS‬ ‭5:19‬ ‭ Pricilla Shirer encouraged passion to reread Ephesians and it has been speaking so loudly to every area of my life as a believer. Tonight I was able to share a message to a group of woman of how as daughters we can find our confidence in who our dad is. This verse of speaking Psalms hit me today. I never took this verse as seriously as the power in it. Sometimes we don’t feel like we have the words to say when we are staring at the face of fear, staring at the face of our enemies, staring at the face of our battles the Lord spoke this word in a dream recently and it reminded me of the what i carry and what He equips me with. . . WHEN the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy he better hear you talking to your daddy. You don’t feel like you know the words to say.... SURE YOU DO He has already given them to you. THAT is your weapon. When I was in Mogadishu, Somalia back in October I felt as though I was staring at the face of fear. For someone who has dealt with fear, anxiety, and panic attacks I had to really be on guard to not allow the enemy to use that from stopping what God had purposed for the trip. One of the nights there i woke up and began to feel a panic attack creeping in and the feeling of fear surrounding. I leaned over and grabbed my mom and the first words I gasp out was READ PSALMS 91. My mom began to declare the words of WHO OUR GOD IS and WHAT OUR GOD CAN DO. That He is OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH. That we WILL NOT FEAR THE TERROR OF THE NIGHT. that we are hiding under the feathers of His mighty wing. That He hears our cry. As we began to say who our father was the fear left the room and a peace invaded. The enemy was on the move to kill, steal, and destroy what God has purposed for that trip, but when He got right up close and the words and power of who our God is came in and canceled the assignment of fear that the enemy tried to throw at me. I am a fearless daughter, because my Father is my refuge. This daughter has found her confidence in her father. #fcaiam2018

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The 20-year-old inspirational speaker spoke to a huge group of women earlier this week and told them how the words of Ephesians have helped her go through a lot of problems in the past. She extended her speech to her over 3 million Instagram followers through a lengthy post accompanied by a short clip.

Her speech focuses on how women as daughters can get strength on their fathers, both the biological ones and the one above. She boasts how she gets her confidence from Him. "I am a fearless daughter, because my Father is my refuge," she wrote.

She mentioned Ephesians 5:19 in particular, which says, "Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord."

Robertson has always been very vocal about her strong faith, which she often expressed via social media. In a set of photos posted on Instagram on Jan. 1, Robertson expressed how great her 2017 was, describing it as the "best year ever."

She added that this was all thanks to her "deep relationship with God that is unshakable."