'Saiyuki Reload Blast' updates: Two new characters join cast

Screenshot of Sanzo, one of the main protagonists in "Saiyuki Reload Blast""Saiyuki" official website

"Saiyuki Reload Blast" has been airing since July 5, continuing the "Saiyuki" series since it was aired ten years ago. There have been interesting developments in the first five episodes, and new cast members have been revealed in the sixth episode of the action-adventure anime.

The current cast members are joined by Sharak Sanzo, who is the 28th of Arhat and one of the last remaining Sanzo, and the only female Sanzo in the "Saiyuki" universe that is known so far. She is voiced by none other than Masako Katsuki, who has voiced popular characters before, including Sailor Neptune from "Sailormoon" and Lady Tsunade from "Naruto."

The contribution the character will be making to the arc of the show is still unknown. She is the protector of the Kouten sutra which is shrouded in mystery, and deals with the unknown. This means that she also holds a lot of power, but her motivation remains under wraps. The addition of such a character will most certainly be a welcome one to mix things up in the predominantly male cast.

The other new character is closely related to Sharak, and is male. His name is Hassan, and he is in charge of leading Sharak's militia.

This is possibly exciting news for fans, especially since they have waited ten years to see the continuation of the characters' journey to the west. The story is a mix of Chinese Buddhism injected with mysticism and a lot of Japanese tropes. The main protagonist is Sanzo, who is a temperamental, chain smoking, and alcoholic. He also happens to enjoy whipping out his gun when his patience wears thin. This happens often. However, deep down inside, he is still a good person who bears the responsibility of protecting the sutras that he has.

"Saiyuki Reload Blast" streams outside Asia on Wednesdays on Crunchyroll.