Salvation Army bringing Christmas help for flood victims

With Christmas coming, families who are still struggling to cope in the aftermath of this summer's devastating floods will be able to receive a little help thanks to Morrisons shoppers and The Salvation Army.

In just one week after the floods, 311 Morrisons stores throughout England, Wales and in some Scottish areas initiated week-long bucket collections at checkouts and raised nearly £150,0000 - about £500 per store - which has been donated to The Salvation Army to help with the long-term support of families affected by the floods..

During the floods, which affected the south, the Midlands and large areas in the north of England, Salvation Army emergency service teams - comprising hundreds of officers and volunteers - worked tirelessly to help affected communities through running mobile canteens and supplying comfort, food, bedding and clothing.

Major Muriel McClenahan, The Salvation Army's national Emergency Services Officer for the UK and Ireland thanked Morrisons Stores management and shoppers for the magnificent donation.

"Our hearts go out to the people so severely affected by the flooding and we are thrilled that as a result of the kindness of Morrisons's customers, The Salvation Army will be able to ease the hurt of so many families," she said.

"The needs of flood victims are on-going and with Christmas approaching families affected by the floods may specifically need more assistance and that is where we hope the Morrisons money will really help.

"The Salvation Army will be offering small grants to families and individuals, concentrating on the needs of children. Alternatively people may still need to replace small items of furniture or small appliances," said Major McClenahan.

The donation is scheduled to help specifically families affected by the floods in the worst affected areas of Yorkshire and the Midlands. Small donations will be available through local Salvation Army centres and churches to help ease some of the distress which some families are still experiencing.

Due to the phenomenal level of funds raised, The Salvation Army may also be able to put some aside for future use, once all the immediate needs have been addressed.

Mark Gunter, Group Store Operations Director for Morrisons said: "Many of our customers and staff were affected by the floods and we wanted to do our best to help.

"The amount raised is a pure testament to our customer's good will and Morrisons would like to thank everyone who helped to raise the funds. We are sure that through The Salvation Army it will help those who are in need."

The funds collected by Morrisons will be distributed in areas most affected by the floods - Yorkshire and the Midlands. Those who wish to apply for a grant from the Morrisons flood relief fund may apply to their local Salvation Army church or community centre.

Applicants will be assessed at local level and will be visited and may need to provide evidence of loss and need. To contact your local Salvation Army find the number in your local telephone directory or use our online postcode search.

Applicants may also ring The Salvation Army national headquarters on 020 7367 4334 to be put in touch with their local Salvation Army centre

Recent Environment Agency reports have predicted more flooding within the UK this Autumn.

[Re-printed in Christian Today with the kind permission of The Salvation Army]