Salvation Army Concerned About Gambling Impacts

|TOP|While the Salvation Army expressed concerns over the negative impact gambling has on family life, Swansea Council deputy leader Gerald Clement claims that a casino could bring “huge” economic benefits.

Councillors considered a plan to apply for a new style of casino for Swansea Thursday. If the application is approved it will be submitted to the Casino Advisory Panel.

Under the Gambling Act, only one super casino can be built in the UK, along with 16 smaller ones. The application will recommend areas for one regional, eight large and eight small casinos.

"I think it would be a huge economic driver for the city, it's generally recognised Swansea is regenerating itself," said Cllr Clement.

|AD|"Traditional industry has served its day. You have to be more diverse and look for what works that will see Swansea prosper.

"I accept that there might be a moral issue for some people and that's perfectly acceptable. I think it would drive Swansea's tourist industry and that is what we are going to be more and more dependent on," he said.

Mr Clement, member for Killay South, added: "I don't think it promotes gambling, it puts the facility there for people who already wish to gamble."

But Major Peter Moran, the Salvation Army's divisional commander for south and mid Wales, wanted to see other points of view brought to the debate, apart from job creation.

"We always seem to be getting the pros and not listing the cons, or nobody is listening to them," he said.

"In the Salvation Army we do have some concerns about this. It is often being portrayed (as if) everything is wonderful: the number of jobs and the regeneration.

"One of our concerns is picking up on the family consequences," he added.