Salvation Army Continues to Aid Survivors of South Asia Earthquake

Since the devastating earthquake hit northern India and Pakistan last October, Salvation Army relief workers from India are continuously working with survivors of the disaster that killed over 80,000 people by providing food, clothing and shelter.

|TOP|Despite the harsh winter and life-threatening conditions- the earthquake survivors continue to sustain themselves through the support they receive by Christian and non-governmental organizations, although more aid is desperately needed.

Lieut-Colonel N. J. Vijayalakshmi – India National Emergency Services Consultant – reports that, although a lot of aid has been delivered, much more is still needed.

Meanwhile, The Salvation Army’s India Northern Territory has been busy assisting families in the Kashmir region whose lives and livelihood have been hugely affected by the earthquake. Thousands of people were severely affected on the Indian side of the border with Pakistan.

Assisting more than 800 families, The Salvation Army has been coordinating its relief distributions with the Indian military to ensure timely delivery of much-needed supplies.

|AD|The relief workers have been especially focusing their efforts and resources on reaching people in remote areas and providing them with winterised tents, food, water and other basic supplies such as cooking materials, blankets and warm clothes that could protect them from the harsh weather.

Lieut-Colonel Vijayalakshmi and her team recently discovered a camp on the banks of a contaminated lake, which was housing 550 families that have evacuated from their villages due to the earthquake. Responding to the desperate situation of the people, The Salvation Army is making an emergency delivery of 2,500 blankets and stocks of much-needed food rations.

With spring still a long way off, “The Salvation Army will continue to do all it can to enable the families who have been displaced by the earthquake to rebuild their lives,” according to the organisation’s website.

Donations are still needed to fund this rebuilding and recovery effort for people in the region, on all sides of the borders. You can donate to the South Asia Earthquake Appeal by calling 0800 028 4000 or sending a cheque to South Asia Earthquake Appeal, The Salvation Army, FREEPOST KE3466, London SE1 6BP.