Salvation Army European Congress to Highlight Children & Youth Mission

As the International Headquarters (INH) of the Salvation Army has proclaimed the year 2005 a year for children and youth, the London-based INH is now organising a special European Youth Congress this summer to highlight mission for the younger generations.

The European Youth Congress will be held from 4-7 August in Prague, Czech Republic. Young Salvationists aged between 15 and 30 throughout Europe are invited to attend and represent their Territory at the Congress.

Based on the bible passage from Acts 1: 8, " will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses ... to the ends of the earth", the theme of the Congress is "Powered". It aims to mobilise young people to engage in mission through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Prominent leaders are scheduled to speak at the Congress, including Salvation Army General John Larsson, Captain Sandra Ryan from 614 Corps of Toronto, Canada; Captain Matt Clifton, Corps Officer at Forrestdale as well as Christian speaker and writer, Jeff Lucas. The 4-day Congress is expected to be an intensive discipleship teaching and mission training.

With the idea that practice is more important than theory, young participants who are over 18 years old will be given the opportunity to join a one-week short-term mission in a Central Europe Salvation Army corps starting from 8th August.

The mission team will be serving a local church in either the Czech Republic or East Germany to share the good news of Jesus with the local community. Work may include conducting a Bible School, street evangelism through music and drama, and involvement in corps social programmes. It will also be a great cross-cultural experience.

2005, a year for children and youth for the Salvation Army, has been promoted in light of declining youth attendances in the Church.

The territories of the Salvation Army have carried out evaluations on their present work with both children and youth, and have realised the need to reemphasise this ministry and to nurture more young people in the Army.

While the Europe Zone has planned this special European Youth Congress, the Salvationists in the Africa Zone have included a youth event in the All Africa Congress, which is to be held from 24-28 August.

For the USA National Headquarters, a National Youth Leaders Conference will bring together divisional and assistant divisional youth secretaries and divisional corps cadet counsellors from across the United States, in order to address youth concerns on a national level and to share the ideas on ministering young people.

The Salvation Army has said a focus on prayer is important in the midst of all these inspiring events taking place across the world, so that children and young people will be won for Christ and firmly established in the Christian faith.

"The best possible result of the year for children and youth would be that it led to a renewal of our mission and ministry to children and youth and left a lasting imprint for good!" Salvation Army General John Larsson said with hope.