Salvation Army Expands Mission to 111th Country Since its Foundation

This weekend the Salvation Army will officially commence its work in the 111th country since its foundation. Poland will be the latest country to receive the worldwide Christian movement as celebrations take place over the 24-25 September.
From the International Headquarters, Major HervĂ© Cachelin said, “We aim to build an Army of dedicated Salvationists, ready to move out to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity.”

The new opening will follow closely behind the Salvation Army’s work in Lithuania receiving official recognition under the care of the German Territory, which has also taken place just days before.

Newly commissioned Captains Andrei and Olga Iniutocichin will the officers in charge of Poland, and will be installed as well as the first Polish soldiers during the weekend’s events.

In addition, open air meetings have also been scheduled to facilitate a maximum number of attendants to gather at the celebratory occasion. After many years of aid works and efforts to create links with the Polish network, members from the UK Territory in Exeter will be at the gathering.

The event is bringing together many members from local churches in Poland to its Sunday afternoon enrolment ceremony and it is hoped that this will allow closer ecumenical relationships to develop.

|QUOTE|Major Cachelin said, “The First Baptist Church has already been very hospitable. The captains will be living in part of its centre and have already preached at the church, where they presented the project to the congregation.”

The new Poland captains will receive support from Colonel Vibeke Krommenhoek of France, with direction from the International Headquarters.

Colonel Krommenhoek stated, “Haggai 2:18 says that on the 24th day of the ninth month, the foundation of the Lord’s Temple was laid. By coincidence – or not – that is the date our inauguration weekend will start.”

The colonel has urged Salvationists and Christians to support the new expansion into Poland in prayer for an encouraging start to the ministry. Specifically prayer has been requested for many young people to participate and be challenged by the Salvationist’s witness, and that people will be won for Christ as God is glorified.

The opening of the Salvation Army in Poland will take place this weekend from 24-25 September.