Salvation Army expands to Burundi and Greece

The Salvation Army's International Headquarters has announced that the Church and charity has commenced work in new countries in Africa and Europe.

Work has begun for the first time in Burundi and Greece with the appointing of officers to lead operations in these countries.

The work in Burundi, which began officially in Bujumbura under the leadership of Aux-Captains Lusomobo Museses Justin and Fatuma Kalema Justine on 5 August 2007, is attached to The Salvation Army's Rwanda Command.

The work in Greece, which began officially in Thessalonika under Captains Polis Pantelidis and Maria Konti-Galinou on 1 October 2007, is attached to the nearby Italy Command.

Salvationists and friends are asked to pray for these new openings which are made in response to the 'great commission' to take the gospel to all nations. Also, please pray for the officers carrying out this pioneering work.

The total number of countries in which The Salvation Army is officially present is now 113.

[Re-printed in Christian Today with the kind permission of The Salvation Army]