Salvation Army Holds Youth-Focused Meetings in Brazil with General Larsson

|PIC1|Salvation Army head, General John Larsson and Commissioner Freda Larsson have continued their tour by travelling to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to meet territorial officers and staff.

More than 40 junior soldiers met the leaders as they arrived, before taking them away to visit officers of the newly formed Rio Minas and Distrito Federal Division.

Over 500 people gathered from all over the division to meet the international leaders, some even travelling more than 20hours to take part in the celebrations.

In front of the hundreds of Salvationists, General Larsson preached the importance of being bold for the Lord. In a rousing Bible message, Larsson urged a great response from his listeners, and they did not disappoint with hundreds engulfing the front of the church as they made their way to the front to make a renewed commitment to the Lord.

General Larsson’s trip to South America has been very historical, with an important meeting taking place regarding the focus on the Year for Children and Youth.

|TOP|Commissioner Freda Larsson testified to the congregants her experiences from her travels around the world over the past year, and a presentation was given revealing the various aspects of the Salvation Army’s work among youth throughout the world.

As celebrations kicked off in full scale, choreography groups made up from Rio’s corps and social centres gave a performance, as well as the Jesus Command Street Dance Group concluding an energetic evening.

Participants in that gathering reportedly testified the grace they had felt in uniting together, and sharing in their praise and worship of God with the General.

The following day, the international leaders attended an event with the São Paulo and Paraná/Santa Catarina Divisions, which was attended by more than 500 Salvationists.

|AD|One of the highlights of the visit to the South American region appeared to be the rich array of praise, dance and worship that is so natural to the members there.

A Holiness Meeting was held by General Larsson in which he called for the congregation to step out with faith.

A conclusive final meeting drew the visit to a close at a Festival of Celebration. Salvation Army’ Major Paulo Soares and Major Sara Soares testified the rejoicing atmosphere that built up as 19 new soldiers were enrolled by the General, who were directly challenged to fulfil their vows as active Salvationists.

In a final Bible message to the Brazilian members of the Church, the General declared that the Lord is doing new things in the Salvation Army and challenged all present to look to the future and see the marvellous things God is doing, and which he will continue to do.

The General’s latest visit to Brazil has come immediately after he had travelled to Nigeria to join thousands of African Salvationists at a conference entitled ‘Participation of all God’s People’ just a week ago.