Salvation Army USA National Week Celebrates 125 Years of Social Ministries

The National Salvation Army Week of the United States runs from 9-15 May. Proclaimed by the US President George W. Bush in 2001, the second week of May has been designated as the National Salvation Army Week. Also this year’s National Week will be even more meaningful as the Salvationists celebrate its 125 years of contribution to social ministries in the country.

Across the US, local Salvation Army bracnhes have been organising individual events to mark the special week. In New York City, where the first official pioneering delegation led by George Scott Railton arrived from England in 1880, a dazzling display of activities will be launched.

A huge banner in recognition of The Salvation Army’s 125th Anniversary has been put up on the front of the organisation’s historic Centennial Memorial Temple in New York.

A horse-drawn cart, similar to the ones used by the early Salvation Army, will visit some landmarks in the city. The highlight of activities on Thursday 12th May will be The Empire State Building, illuminated with the organisation’s colours of yellow, red and blue, from dusk until 12 midnight.

All during the week, local radio stations will also highlight the work of rhe Salvation Army by airing public service announcements.

Running alongside with the National Salvation Army Week, the 2005 North American Disaster Training Conference started on 8th May and will end on 12th May. It has highlighted the Salvation Army's mission to serve the American Society.

Twenty international organisations from North America including faith-based groups and government disaster relief organisations are represented to receive training on how to respond to emergency and disasters.

The proclamation of the National Salvation Army Week by President Bush in 2001 stated, "Since its founding in Great Britain in 1865, the Salvation Army has provided humanitarian relief and spiritual guidance to people throughout the world...Through countless acts of service, members of the Salvation Army actively assist those who suffer in body and spirit."

"In more than 100 countries, speaking more than 140 languages, the Salvation Army follows Christ's call to "love your neighbour as yourself.""

"I commend the Salvation Army officers, soldiers, and those who support its mission for their continued dedication to helping meet the physical and spiritual needs of people across the Nation," President Bush added.