Salvation Army’s ROOTS Conference goes with Theme “Metamorphosis”

|PIC1|The Salvation Army is holding its annual ROOTS conference on 28th April – 1 May, 2006, in Southport, North West of England. As the organisation’s largest annual conference in the UK, ROOTS has previously been attended by over 5000 people.

During the conference, attendees will be going through John’s Gospel with the theme ’Metamorphosis,’ and look into ‘resurrection - the weekend that changed the world.’

This year, a new team of young leaders and Salvation Army youth workers from around the UK and Republic of Ireland will run the programmes and open to young people from the UK, Republic of Ireland, mainland Europe and beyond.

The new programme will “focus on equipping its guests to go deeper in worship, discipleship, mission and social action,” according to the Salvation Army website, and will include creative worship experiences, learning streams, sessions and cell activities. The afternoon recreation time will be followed by two new evening celebrations, gig nights, debates and discussions and a social action café.|TOP|

In addition, the conference will feature author and speaker Jeff Lucas, Captains Danielle Strickland and Stephen Court of the Canada Salvation Army, and General Director of Evangelical Alliance Rev. Joel Edwards.

ROOTS is currently held in the UK, Canada and US South.

Meanwhile, ROOTS is running an early booking discount scheme for the event, which finishes on 31st January 2006. Bookings can be made online via the ROOTS web site,