Salvationists Pray for Lasting Peace

Members of The Salvation Army around the world have joined in prayer for lasting global peace.

The leader of The Salvation Army worldwide, General Shaw Clifton, wrote to Salvationists in August inviting them to pray for lasting peace and to take part in a separate day of prayer on September 30 for human trafficking and its victims.

General Clifton, who was elected as the international leader of The Salvation Army in early 2006, asked the global Salvation Army body to be "in prayer" throughout September.

He asked specifically that Salvationists take part in the International Day of Prayer for Peace on 21 September or the closest Sunday.

"It is an opportunity for the people of Christ in all places to pray and act together to nurture lasting peace in the hearts of people, in their families, in communities, and in international relations," said General Clifton.

"We can also bring to God in prayer those caught up in conflict, those working for peace, and political and military leaders who make decisions impacting the lives of millions," he said, reminding Salvationists that Jesus is "the Prince of Peace, who gives peace to our hearts such as the world cannot give".

He urged Salvationists to begin their prayers for the peace in the world by making sure that their own lives were being lived out peacefully. "We can begin by shunning strife in our own personal lives and praying that God will grant us grace for this day by day."