Samsung and other phone companies assure customers they will never slow down their smartphones intentionally

Samsung tells its customer that the company is focused on distributing top-quality products.Reuters/ Dado Ruvic

Samsung released a statement telling all its consumers that it does not engage in the idea of slowing phones down to balance battery life and performance. The company stressed that it focuses on the quality of its phones for users.

Apple company receives negative comments from the public amid slowing down issue.Reuters/ Yuya Shino

Samsung Electronics made it clear that it will never intentionally slow down phones that will deteriorate any function from any of its smartphone products. The entire controversy of slowing down phones originated from Apple. Many Apple users came forward with the complain that the company is slowing down phones with older batteries to balance battery life and phone performance.

Samsung told Phone Arena, "Product quality has been and will always be Samsung Mobile's top priority. We ensure extended battery life of Samsung mobile devices through multi-layer safety measures, which include software algorithms that govern the battery charging current and charging duration. We do not reduce CPU performance through software updates over the lifecycles of the phone."

Other than Samsung, other big phone companies also shared that they will never sacrifice performance for battery life. LG told Phone Arena, "Never have, never will! We care what our customers think."

HTC told The Verge that deliberately slowing phones down "is not something we do." A Motorola spokesperson emailed the publication saying, "We do not throttle CPU performance based on older batteries."

Apple is now facing negative feedback from the public and is being targeted by lawsuits.

The company recently published a letter of apology, and to clarify things prior to the slowdown battery drama that has riddled the company with backlash. The company then admitted their action, apologized, and stressed a lot of misunderstandings about the issue.

Apple wrote, "We know that some of you feel Apple has let you down. We apologize. There's been a lot of misunderstanding about this issue." Apple then gave out discounts for out-of-warranty iPhone battery replacements to make amends. The company will also be launching an iOS software update that will add new features to allow users to monitor their smartphone's battery life more efficiently in early 2018.