Samsung Galaxy J7 catches fire mid-Air on Jet Airways

The Samsung Galaxy J7 in Gold.Samsung website

A Samsung Galaxy J7 caught fire during a Delhi-Indore Jet Airways flight on Friday, Oct. 20, sending dozens of passengers in panic. The 120 people on board were not harmed during the incident, as the crew managed to submerge the smartphone in water.

The device, according to Hindustan Times, belonged to Delhi resident Arpita Dhal, who had kept the handset with three others in her handbag under the seat. Not long after the take-off, she noticed a smoke coming out of the bag and called the crew for help. They tried to douse the fire with extinguishers on board, but these did not work.

"It was a mid-air panic. We prayed to god," Arpita's husband Atul told the publication.

The crew, however, handled the matter responsively, quickly putting the phone in a tray of water. As a precaution, her two other devices were submerged as well.

"I will complain against Jet Airways after I return home," Arpita said. "This is a question of safety of passengers in flights. If there is a major fire or blast what will they do when their fire extinguishers don't work like this."

A spokesperson for Jet Airways has confirmed the incident and insisted it was resolved as per guidelines.

Samsung has not released an official statement regarding the incident yet. But, the company is already in touch with authorities looking into the matter and will be up for further comments once the situation is investigated thoroughly.

The Korean tech giant has been associated with exploding smartphones since the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 fiasco. With its battery responsible for fire hazard issues, the company had to recall and stop production of the handset altogether last year. It has also been banned from air travel.

Per News 18, a similar isolated incident took place in Indonesia earlier this month wherein a Samsung Grand Duos 2013 burst inside a man's pocket. Samsung had blamed the mishap to an incompatible third-party battery.