Android 5.0 Lollipop for Samsung Galaxy Note 4 delayed due to Gear VR headset

Samsung Galaxy Note 4[Photo credit: Samsung]

There has reportedly been a delay in rolling out the latest Android 5.0 Lollipop OS to the recently released Samsung Galaxy Note 4. 

According to Android Origin, the main reason of the delay is connecting the Gear VR headset to the Lollipop OS. The Gear VR is a head-mounted device that is worn like goggles.  It is the virtual reality contraption that is tied to the Galaxy Note 4 that can be used as a screen and driving computer. 

Currently, the Android 5.0 Lollipop OS update for the Galaxy Note 4 is available in some part of Europe and Asia. The update was first made available in Poland, which is where Samsung's research and development center is located. Smartphone users in the United States will have to wait a tad longer as the update is reportedly just in the early phase of rolling out.

T-Mobile's Update page confirmed that the phablet will receive the OS update, but did not give a specific release date. According to the webpage, the phablet is currently on the first step in releasing the new operating system wherein the manufacturer, Samsung, is still working and tweaking the operating system customized for the smartphone after both company and the network agreed to support the smartphone. Then, it will head to the carrier for further testing and scrutiny before it reaches the users.

The manufacturer and carriers will send out notifications once the firmware is ready and available.