Samsung Galaxy Note 4 launch earlier than iPhone 6: Phablets to compete

In an evident attempt to thwart the grand debut of the iPhone 6, Apple's most successful rival Samsung appears to be intent in overshadowing the former's event by announcing its own impressive launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4.

The news of a probable September 9 iPhone-related media event to be hosted by Apple has allegedly prompted Samsung to announce its own press-related affair, which is purportedly in connection with the impending release of its most awaited device, on September 3.

Members of the press has already received invitations from Samsung this week. The invites asked the media representatives to "note the date" of September 3. The affair is set to be hosted simultaneously in Berlin, Beijing, and New York.

Based on the design and note written in the distributed invitations to the press, it is easy to assume that the event might actually be the launch of the stylus-driven Samsung Galaxy Note 4.

Fans believe that the arrangement of the Samsung event has been directly in accordance with the schedule of Apple. Speculations revealed that the latest iPhone might be Apple's bid to enter the "phablet" market this year, which has been undoubtedly dominated by Samsung.

If rumors are proven to correct, then the much debated and speculated iPhone 6 might actually have a 5.5-inch screen. This size will be an undeniable match to the Samsung Galaxy Note series.

Some fans believe that the Note 4 will probably have the same screen size as the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. If that is truly the case, then the Note 4 will be featuring a 5.7-inch display.

With regard the release schedule, some fans have analyzed the trend set by Samsung in this aspect. Last year, Samsung publicly presented the Galaxy Note 3 at a glamorous event held on September 4. Despite the unveiling, however, the gadget was only made available to the public on September 25. If this schedule is any indication of the future turn of events, then Apple's iPhone 6 will still reach the users first before the Samsung Galaxy Note 4.