Samsung Galaxy Note 5 release date earlier than expected? Galaxy S7 set for 2016 launch

Samsung Galaxy S6Samsung

The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 was initially rumored to be launched this September, as it has been Samsung's tradition to release a new product right before the IFA convention in Berlin, Germany. However, a new report from Forbes suggests that this release schedule has changed; instead, the Note 5 is said to be released this August, one month earlier than expected.  

The report cites that the device will be launched on Aug. 12 and will then be made available to the public by Aug. 21. 

According to the report, this change in release schedule is due to Samsung wanting to avoid sharing the floor with Apple when the latter launches the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. If both companies release their products at the same time, it is likely that they will not be able to garner the number of sales they could with less competition. 

Opting for August would give Samsung the opportunity to launch the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 with no significant competition and the company will have a full month of sales before they need to worry about competing with new Apple products.

It was also rumored that the Note 5 might see a launch as early as July but, as of the time of writing, Samsung has not given any official announcement. The month of July is almost over, lending credit to the reports that the company might release the device in August instead.

The Samsung Galaxy S7 is a different matter. Rumors have spread across the Internet that the new device will be launched this December, giving the company a big boost in holiday sales. However, according to a report from TechTimes, this is very unlikely since Samsung denied these reports and the S7 is still reportedly set for a Feb. 22 release during the Mobile World Congress.

The Samsung Galaxy S7 is rumored to ditch traditional SIM cards and is speculated to be the first Samsung device to sport an embedded SIM instead. According to a report from FT, both Samsung and Apple are negotiating about the future of e-SIM cards although none of their devices, including the S7, seem to be adapting this technology.