Samsung Galaxy Note 5 release date, specs and features: Edge and VR features

It seems that the rumors that the next Note will come with Edge-like display are not far off the mark.

According to DigiTimes, in a report originally posted on iNews24 based in Korea, the next instalment in the Galaxy Note series, the Note 5, will most likely come with an Edge screen. In the report, Samsung will be coming out with flexible displays that started with the Galaxy S6 Edge. An official insider in Samsung was quoted as saying that for this year, the company's focus is to come out with smartphones having flexible displays, especially for high-end Galaxy series devices.

Moreover, flexible displays will not be available for Samsung tablets. DigiTimes states: "The report quoted sources from Samsung stating the company is concerned over profitability from flexible tablets and instead will use flexible display technology in 2015 for devices sized below 7-inch."

This means that for this year, either Samsung will not be making any line-up updates for its tablet products, or that the next tablet will not be Edge-like.

The report seems to support rumors that the Galaxy S6 Edge is just a start, and that Samsung will like be making Edge screens a standard for the next device line-ups, starting with the Note 5. The rumors are further substantiated by Korea Herald's interview with Roh Tae-moon, EVP of Samsung's product strategy team.

As reported by Value Walk, Tae-moon says that since the Galaxy Note 5 represents a big leap in Samsung's flagship line ups, it might feature a much more revolutionary display than that of S6 Edge. Aside from the 4K double-Edge display, the new Note 5 will come with VR features, courtesy of a partnership with Oculus. The company's CTO, John Carmack, is reported as saying that the Gear VR will launch alongside the next Samsung hardware cycle.