Samsung Galaxy Note 6 specs, features rumor: Next Galaxy Note to feature IR-enabled AF camera?

The Samsung Galaxy Note 5. Will its follow-up raise the bar like it did?Reuters

It seems that Samsung will be making its next project raise the bar another notch for flagships, as speculations suggest that the Galaxy Note 6 will feature an IR-enabled auto-focus camera setup.

According to Android Geeks, the South Korea-based tech giant is tinkering with the idea of coming out with their own take on a "best ever" camera, one of the claims for recent flagship releases. Reportedly, an insider at Samsung told the industry follower that there are prototypes of the Galaxy Note 6 rocking a camera setup with IR autofocus. In addition, there are also prototypes being tested that feature the same camera setup as the recently released Galaxy S7 lineup.

However, it should be noted that the reported feature remains hearsay until Samsung offers details. Meanwhile, the rumor itself is consistent with another speculation. Apparently, Samsung is testing two prototypes of the Galaxy Note 6, each with different specs sheet. One of the major feature differences for each version is that one prototype carries a regular, 5.8-inch display, while the other one features a curved Edge screen.

It is unclear if Samsung is testing to pick just one version from the prototypes, or if each variant will be unveiled as part of Galaxy Note 6 lineups.

Meanwhile, although the Galaxy Note 6 is expected to be months away from release, rumored specs and design have already floated online. Speculations suggest that the next Galaxy Note may sport an upgraded Snapdragon 823 chipset, or it can also use a newer Exynos chipset from Samsung, much as what the company did with the Galaxy S7 lineup. In addition, it is said that the Galaxy Note 6 will feature a massive 6 GB of RAM, and may ultimately work as a phablet and professional level hybrid, complete with different tablet/laptop-inspired accessories.