Samsung Galaxy Note 8 release date news, specs rumors: Note 8 still coming out amidst controversy; Phablet likely to be released with new name

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Samsung has a lot to make up for in terms of once again rebuilding the reputation of its Note line of phablet smartphones. Following the controversial exploding battery issue of the latest addition to the Note family — the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 — several fans had thought that Samsung might give up on the brand altogether and instead focus on its highly successful Samsung Galaxy S flagship line.

However, new reports have revealed that Samsung will not be giving up just yet as they are now set to release yet another addition to their line of phablets in the form of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 8. The company made the announcement about its intention to continue the Note line right after it revealed its new upgrade program for those who have bought a Galaxy Note 7 smartphone.

The company's program apparently allows South Korean buyers to trade in their Note 7 smartphones for a brand new Galaxy S7. Users also have the option to upgrade their device to the next generation offerings next year, which will include the new Samsung Galaxy S8 and the Note 8.

As of the moment, there isn't really much that is known about the upcoming new Note smartphone, but reports have predicted that it may very well be coming with an entirely different name. Samsung has already released a tablet called the Note 8 back in April 2013, so it wouldn't really be practical for them to release a new device with the same name.

Several reports have also revealed that the new Note phablet may be coming out sometime in the second quarter of 2017, and likely a few months after the release of the new Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphones.

However, several other reports have speculated that Samsung may be taking more time to fine tune their next device to avoid yet another catastrophe.