Samsung Galaxy Note 8 release date news, specs updates: Note 7 users to get Note 8 at half price

Will Samsung improve the currently discontinued Galaxy Note 7 when the Galaxy Note 8 comes out next year?Samsung

South Korean tech giant Samsung has received a bad rap due to the issue with their Galaxy Note 7, and to make up for the exploding batteries and faulty hardware issues caused by the Note 7, Samsung is giving Note 7 users a chance to get the upcoming Note 8 at a discount.

It has only been a couple of months since the Galaxy Note 7 was released, and a series of issues regarding the device's faulty batteries and hardware have spread around the internet. Apparently, the Galaxy Note 7's batteries are prone to explosions, making the device a flight risk and a safety risk to its users.

Because of the multiple issues with the Galaxy Note 7, Samsung has ordered a global recall for all the Note 7 units that the company has sold. The global recall included approximately more than 2.5 million devices, and has amounted to a $19 billion USD loss for Samsung.

After the Note 7 recall, Samsung decided to make it up to their fans and loyal users by announcing that previous Note 7 users may trade in their devices for new Galaxy S7 units. What's more is that users who used to own the Note 7 may switch the Galaxy S7 they received for the upcoming Note 8 or S8 at half the price.

Because of Samsung's update program, Note 7 users will soon be able to enjoy the Note 8 that is speculated to be backed up by 8 GB of RAM and powered by either an Exynos 8895 or a Snapdragon 830 processor.

As of now, there is still no official reports as to when the Galaxy Note 8 or the Galaxy S8 will be released. But according to recent speculation, Samsung might release the Note 8 under a new name in order to avoid confusion with the Note 8.0 that was released back in 2013.