Samsung Galaxy S6 coming with curved edges? More leaked details released by Redditor

Samsung Galaxy S5[Photo credit: Samsung]

Leaked details about an alleged curved Samsung Galaxy S6 has been revealed, and that there are two variants of the device.

This information was disclosed by a Redditor claiming to be a former Samsung employee. Based on the leaked reports, two variants of the upcoming high-end smartphone are being developed. One of them has a single curved edge, while the other one has dual curved edges. The Redditor, who goes by the name SamsungRep2015, also said that the so-called Project Zero is real, and it is being developed from scratch.

"Project Zero is indeed a real thing. I've also seen two different GS6 Edge variants, one with the normal Youm display on the Edge, and one with dual curved edges," the Redditor stated. "However, when I went to my orientation, a few weeks before the S5 came out I got to physically see the 5.2 inch version. Samsung prototypes a lot and things change extremely rapidly."

SamsungRep2015 also mentioned that the performance of the upcoming device will be better than its predecessor, but it will not showcase drastic changes. The responsiveness will also be heightened, while the memory consumption will be decreased.

When asked by another Reddit user who listed some of the assumed specs of the soon-to-be released device, the alleged former Samsung employee said, "[It's] not just specs Samsung is focusing on this time around. I've heard lots of rumblings about crazy new designs (and I'm not just talking Galaxy Alpha 'redesigns' either.) Spec wise though, that all lines up with what I've seen/heard, but again there's quite a good chunk of time between now and April."

Samsung Galaxy S6 has been rumored to be the upcoming flagship phone of the South Korean consumer and electronics giant. Gadget analysts are expecting the company to launch the device at the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next week, while others believe that the phone will only be ready for unveiling during the Mobile World Congress 2015 in Barcelona sometime in March.