Samsung Galaxy S6 release date earlier? Smartphone to sport bigger screen due to iPhone 6, 6 Plus competition

Samsung Galaxy S5, the would-be predecessor of the rumored Galaxy S6.[Photo credit: Samsung]

Instead of cracking under pressure, it is speculated that Samsung will respond to the recent release of Apple's iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus smartphones by introducing the Samsung Galaxy S6 with a larger screen display.  It has also been rumored that the Samsung Galaxy S6 will pack a sturdier and more durable metal casing, plus upgraded features such as a more powerful processor, a new mobile operating system, and better cameras.

In the past, one of Samsung advantages and unique features is a massive screen display.  However, Apple surprised its fans and the whole tech industry when it released new iPhones with much larger panels, which is a big jump from their predecessors. 

Partly or largely due to the release of Apple's new smartphones with specs and features that are at par or far better than Samsung's devices, the South Korean tech company has suffered a decrease in the company's earnings. It is bound to feel the dent in its revenue this third quarter.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4, which is arriving in the U.S. this Friday, might not be enough to take on the two new titans of Apple. As such, it is only practical to release the Samsung Galaxy S6 sooner than later.  

Previous reports said that Samsung Galaxy S6 release date will happen early next year. The device will most likely follow the traditional calendar launch of the previous Samsung Galaxy S5. Thus, it has been speculated that the device will be announced in February 2015, a day ahead of the Mobile World Congress event. The Galaxy S6 will then be available for purchase in March or April.

But latest reports claim that the Samsung Galaxy S6 release date will happen earlier than expected because of the attention and demand garnered by the new Apple smartphones.

However, Samsung still has to confirm the ongoing rumors.  At the moment, the company is focusing on rolling out the Galaxy Note 4.