Samsung Galaxy S7 specs and features rumors: Already in early stages of development?

The device in the limelight right now is the Samsung Galaxy S6 but that doesn't mean that the Korea-based company intends to take it easy for the time being. With the fast-evolving world of mobile phones and technology, hearing that the Samsung Galaxy S7 is already in the works should not come as a surprise.

Although the Samsung Galaxy S7 will likely come out next year, there are reports that Samsung is already testing the Galaxy S7 in two variants.

One is being tested with Qualcomm processors while another is being tried with the company's own Exynos chips. With plenty of time to spare, Samsung has the luxury to see which of the two will fare better and be, of course, more appealing.

The variant being tested with a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor seems a bit odd considering that both parted ways when the Samsung Galaxy S6 was launched. However with word that Samsung may actually manufacture Snapdragon 820 chips, this practically explains it.

On the other possible features that the Galaxy S7 would carry could be a mix of previous designs. The best features from its predecessors will most likely be considered to figure out which to retain, improve, or even bring back.

For now, one can just imagine the metal and glass design materials the S6 carried and maybe some rugged features like making it waterproof.

As far as display goes, expect Samsung to go all out. Samsung may likely go for a high 4K display resolution possibly on a larger (or curved?) screen.

But if that does happen, the company should be ready to address the battery needs, which will hopefully not be a problem. There is a chance that the next device will most likely provide support for USB Type C as well.

For now, Samsung seems to be working on choosing the right processor to support a device that is believed to come with more power and features. Once that is settled, all the rest should follow. With about seven to eight months to go before Samsung launches anything, there is a lot of time for testing and probably changes if the need comes.